Bennett and Trimble
Level 2, 333 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
+612 8065 8766
Selected Projects
Public and Institutional
Campus Cultural Precinct
The Commercial
Inner Sydney High School
University of Sydney Masters Studio
Kensington to Kingsford Town Centres
Macquarie University Innovation Hub
Anzac Park Public School Facade
Greener Places Drawings
School Entry Pilot Program
Macquarie University Social Learning Space
Oxford Falls Homebase
Archie Moore, United Neytions
Bank Street District
University of Sydney Teaching Studio
Green Square Park and Pool
Seymour Centre
University of Sydney Undergraduate Studio
UNSW Village Green
Newcastle CBD Redevelopment
Australian War Memorial
Philadelphia Museum of Art Cardboard Cubby House II
Rocks Hotel Verandah
Green Square Library
SCAF Fugitive Structures
Powerhouse Museum Accommodation Review
Victoria Harbour Masterplan
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
CIT Learning Centre
Docklands Pool and Library Study
Parramatta River Cultural Precinct
UTS Podium
Gold Coast Civic Centre
UTS Broadway
Pecha Kucha Sydney
Peacekeeping Memorial
Cardboard Cubby House I