Philadelphia Museum of Art Cardboard Cubby House II

Based on the success of the original cubby house, Philadelphia Museum of Art commissioned Bennett and Trimble to design a new cubby as part of their 2013 summer program of children’s art and craft, “Art Splash”. The cubby was the centre piece of the exhibition’s program which also included interactive play spaces and children’s activities for fashion, photography, illustration and design.

The original prototype for the cubby house was enlarged and expanded with fifteen interlocking tubes and includes two entries one of which is accessible. Paper stencils were provided at low tables adjacent the cubby where children to assemble their own cubby houses.

Philadelphia Cubby House-plan

Philadelphia Cubby House-3D7

Philadelphia Cubby House-1

Philadelphia Cubby HouseAxo

cardboard cubby philadelphia instragram

Philadelphia Cubby-3 _ 2. Groun